Fishing boats lining the shore in Dominica The Granger Family in front of the Pyramids of Giza, Cairo, Egypt

The Gregg A Granger

Family Adventure

   Sailing on Faith Home Page

Gregg Granger with an orangutan resting her hand on his leg

the journey: introduction

“You’re going to a lot of places where they don’t value human life like we do.”
Nobody, least of all me, with my conservative Republican roots, my Reformed religion, and my resistance to change, could foresee the unintended truth of that statement.
We learn that as far as joy is concerned, more is less.  The farther we travel into worlds where less stuff drives people’s lives, the more joy there is.
We also learn that fear of the world makes us prisoners of our borders, and grow a healthy suspicion of the proponents of that fear.

This is our story.


Please click on the book cover for excerpts from Sailing Faith: The Long Way Home

Front and Back Covers of Sailing Faith: The Long Way Home, click on for book excerpts





The Gregg A Granger family on Faith in Darwin, Australia

The Granger family onfaith in Darwin, Australia


Gregg II in Sana'a
Gregg II in Sana'a Yemen

The Granger children in front of the Sydney Opera House
Emily, Amanda, and Gregg II in Sydney

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